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Kilka podręczników do d20 - różne wydawnictwa:

Arms and Armor 3.5 (Bastion Press)


Arms & Armor v3.5 By Jim Butler, Steve Creech, and Kevin Ruesch

Weapons and armor are the pulse behind every campaign. Every slash of a blade, crash of a hammer, and whistle of an arrow is an orchestral testament to life and death in the harsh adventuring world. Armor serves as a chronicle, recording every critical blow and explosive spell. Heroes and villains alike are molded by the weapons they wield and the armor that protects them. Within Arms & Armor v3.5, you�ll find:

- More than 200 weapons
- Nearly 200 unique weapon qualities
- More than 100 kinds of armor
- Nearly 200 unique armor qualities
- New rules for Artifacts and Legendary Weapons
- Open Content culled from more than 100 sources
- And More!

Arms & Armor v3.5 is more then just an update to Bastion Press' original 3.0 release. This book contains all the weapons and armor you�ll need for your campaign, each carefully updated to v3.5 and balanced for easy use in any campaign. New artwork, monsters, weapons, and armor are waiting to rock your world.


Book of Eldritch Might (Malhavoc Press)


The Book of Eldritch Might, best-selling d20 sourcebook for all things arcane, features:

Nine original feats including the new eldritch type, which grant specific magical abilities to enhance your spells in ways that metamagic feats can’t

Three new prestige classes: the embermage (the supreme fire mage), the graven one (who covers his entire body in magical tattoos), and the mirror master (specializing in unique mirror magic abilities and spells).

More than 60 new spells of all levels that you can add to any campaign.

A like number of magic items of all types, from weapons to wondrous items (and artifacts!). This section introduces the brand-new concepts of magic poisons and magic vehicles such as the wheeled war altar and the diving sphere.

Last but not least, The Book of Eldritch Might presents a new monster template, the magical construct, which allows any spellcaster to create golemlike guardians and servants based on existing monsters.


Book of Eldritch Might III - The Nexus (Malhavoc Press)


More than 250 new spells, feats, magical items, and locations infused with primal power

Discover Sites of Timelost Magic

The world is riddled with sites of arcane power, and binding them all together is the Nexus. Visit these places and tap into their magical might with this d20 sourcebook for all things arcane.

Discover seven exciting magical locales ranging from the site of a demonic invasion to a city within an everlasting storm. These fully statted, stand-alone sites resonate with ancient power and introduce new mythic levels to any campaign. Use them with all-new spells, creatures, magical items, prestige classes, and feats that tie in to the sites. Rules for magical travel along the pathways of the Nexus let characters enter all these locales, and detailed treatments of the NPCs who dwell there provide a ready-made roster of allies and enemies.

Now Eldritch Might has a place to live.


Book of Templates Deluxe (Silverhorse Games)


Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition is not merely a tome of templates, but a versatile toolkit with which you can make your imagination a gaming-table reality. Using the templates and new rules from this tome, the monster collections you already possess can be revitalized with new wonder and possibility! Creatures encountered and defeated dozens of times before will take on new dimensions through alterations ranging from simple to complex to the out-and-out bizarre. You'll find all of this along with new ideas for building PC races, exploring the cosmology of your world, and introducing never-before-seen options into your game. Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition includes: More than 70 templates and over 30 variants, creating more than 100 new ways to make an innovative and inimitable monster Fully-statted sample creatures ready for plug-and-play use, including dozens of unique characters, from challenge rating 1/8 to 34 Player options including ten new PC races, over 50 new spells, 5 new feats, and 3 fully-detailed domains Complete monster tables showing everything needed for creature construction and modification Insights, alternatives, and hints to inspire and inform New diseases and treasures for your setting And more! With Book of Templates: Deluxe Edition, you can quickly and easily create creatures distinctive to your campaign, turning tired and familiar monsters into fearsome and frightening foes!


Evil (Alderac Entertainment Group)


Play a character from this book and the experience points come to you!
Who said you had to play the good guys? Being evil just got easier. This book has everything you need to run evil characters, develop evil campaigns, and make your nasty NPCs just a little bit nastier. Evil has rules for new prestige classes, new spells, new clerical domains, and demon summoning. If you're playing good after this book is out, you're on the wrong side of the game.


Iron Heroes (Malhavoc Press)


Iron Heroes (previously also known as Monte Cook Presents: Iron Heroes; originally announced as Iron Lore) is a variant Player's Handbook for the d20 System of role-playing games, in the tradition of Arcana Unearthed. It incorporates the core d20 mechanic, while introducing new rules options, differently-balanced classes, an entirely new feat system, and changes to the way skills and feats operate It is intended to allow players to take on traditional challenges at the same levels that their D&D counterparts would be able to, without recourse to magic items or high spellcasting. It was written by Mike Mearls, is currently owned and updated by Adam Windsor, and published by Fiery Dragon Productions.


Legends & Lairs - Monster's Handbook


* More than 60 new feats for monsters of all types.
* More than a dozen new prestige classes, including the thunder hammer giant and draconic tyrant.
* Dozens of new special attacks, special qualities, and traits conveniently broken down by creature type.
* New templates such as the chaos dragon and relentless undead that can be applied to a variety of creatures to create devastating and interesting new breeds of enemy.
* Detailed guidelines on adding abilities to monsters and adjusting their CRs to reflect the new challenge for PCs.
* A comprehensive discussion on using monsters effectively in your game, and suggestions on how to modify existing monsters to present exciting and mysterious new challenges to your players every session.
* In-depth suggestions for combining core feats, skills, classes, and magic items with different types of monsters.
* Sample creatures in each section showcase the new rules and make suggestions on how to effectively integrate them into your campaign.


The Book of Hallowed Might (Malhavoc Press)


Those who wield power channeled from the gods command the very forces of creation. The Book of Hallowed Might offers exciting options for workers of divine magic, including over 100 new spells, classes, magic items, feats, and more. Plus, the book includes an all-new look at the paladin class and the alignment system.

The Book of Hallowed Might supercharges your divine spellcasters, from clerics and priests to paladins, druids, and rangers. And they’ll need that extra edge when it comes time to face off against the vilest forces of evil….

Characters of all levels can use this source material in any fantasy campaign. If you liked the Books of Eldritch Might, you don't want to be without this essential companion volume.

Make Yours the Strength of the Heavens!


The Tome of Horrors (Sword & Sorcery)


The Horrors Return!

Necromancer Games brings you another volume in the series of monster books that made Monte Cook says "If a role playing game is a gun, then Tome of Horrors is a case of hollow point, explosive shells!" Tome of Horrors III contains over 200 never-before-seen monsters, from the devestation swarm to the mortuary cyclone to the rakewood devourer. And what would a Necromancer Games product be without new demons and devils, including the nightmarish ahazu and the vile aegrodaemon, and other outsiders such as the angelic chalkydri!


Undead (Alderac Entertainment Group)


Where darkness and evil walk, the spirits of the dead find no rest. The newest d20 prestige format AEG sourcebook brings to life that which should not live. With an entirely new perspective on the spectral realms, this book contains backgrounds for undead PC templates as well as crucial information on hunting the undead. Packed with details on becoming undead, the spirit world beyond, rules for imbuing spirits into magic items, more spells, and over 10 prestige classes, this book promises to provide GMs and PCs with months of campaign ideas. From the team that brought you Dragons and Evil, comes a new dimension in fantasy gaming.


Ptolus by Monte Cook


Ptolus is a campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons role-playing game written by Monte Cook. It was published by Malhavoc Press on August 10, 2006. Ptolus is also the name of the city featured in the campaign.

Ptolus is based upon the setting for Cook's home game, which served as the initial campaign for the 3rd edition of Dungeons and Dragons. The campaign centers around the city of the same name, which lies on the Whitewind Sea at the edges of the crumbling empire of Tarsis. The city lies in the shadow of an impossibly tall and narrow spire. Below the city are many dungeons, including the city's sewers and a forgotten dwarven city named Dwarvenhearth.

The book's author claims it is the "most deluxe roleplaying product ever published," weighing in at 672 pages with multiple special features, including a CD-ROM that includes a new adventure, The Night of Dissolution, and two previous Malhavoc products with Ptolus connections: The Banewarrens and Chaositech. The book was produced in hardback on full colour glossy paper. The first 1000 pre-publication orders of the Ptolus book had their copy signed and numbered by Monte Cook. All pre-ordered copies also received a printed copy of The Night of Dissolution, which was not otherwise available at the time, and five copies of A Player's Guide to Ptolus.


d20 Game of Throne Deluxe Limited Edition


The mammoth 576-page Deluxe Limited Edition has all the benefits of the d20-Based Edition, plus additional benefits:

* individually numbered and limited to only 2500 copies
* foil-embossed leatherette hardcover depicting the Stark's direwolf banner
* an exquisite dust jacket featuring art by Mike S. Miller (The Hedge Knight)
* an oversized cloth bookmark
* beautiful silver gilding on all edges
* an exclusive interview with George R. R. Martin
* a 70-page appendix that presents the complete Tri-Stat System as an alternate rule mechanic (it's like getting two games in one!)


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