D&D Dragonlance

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Dragonlance Campaign Setting


Sagas from the lands of Krynn are filled with valiant heroes destined to discover ancient secrets and vanquish terrible evils. Like those great champions, you will band together with brave companions to set forth on daring adventures. The tales of those bold deeds will become the newest legends in the world of Dragonlance.

From Solamnic Knights and Dragon Riders to kender, tinker gnomes, and draconians, the rich tapestry of the Dragonlance world comes alive in this campaign setting for the Dungeons & Dragons roleplaying game. With historical content covering eras from the War of the Lance to the War of Souls, along with expanded rules for aerial combat, the Dragonlance Campaign Setting provides the character races, prestige classes, feats, spells, monsters, and maps you need to fully explore the world of Dragonlance.


Age of Mortals


The Fifth Age of Krynn—known as the Age of Mortals—has been a turbulent time for the world of Krynn. The gods who watched the world were absent for decades, mighty dragon overlords warred and conquered vast territories, and old magic had to be learned to replace the new. An epic War of Souls had to be fought to restore some of what was lost-ushering in a new and exciting era, full of possibilities for both good and evil.

The Age of Mortals campaign book is designed as a companion volume to the Dragonlance Campaign Setting published by Wizards of the Coast. Designed and written by the same design team (under the guidance of author Margaret Weis), this volume gives players everything they need to play in any Fifth Age campaign-including during and after the War of Souls itself.

Age of Mortals contains an update on the races of Ansalon, many new prestige classes, feats, equipment, magical items, and spells. It details many important potential adventuring locations in great detail, as well as mighty dragons and many important characters of the era.

Margaret Weis is a best-selling author of numerous fantasy and science-fiction novels, and is one of the original creators of the world of Dragonlance. Jamie Chambers spearheaded design on the Sovereign Stone d20 System game line and is currently the line editor and developer for the new Dragonlance game line. He is also the co-author the SnarfQuest RPG Worldbook from Elmore Productions and Sundered Reaches from Fast Forward Entertainment. Christopher Coyle is the line editor and developer of the Sovereign Stone game line with many designs to his credit, including the 2002 EN-World Award-nominated Song of Storms.


Bestiary of Krynn Revised


The Bestiary of Krynn returns by popular demand! The sourcebook for the creatures of the Dragonlance game world is being reprinted in an expanded, revised edition. All errata from the previous edition has been incorporated into a book that has been re-organized for easier reference. The original artwork that won awards is back, along with creatures useful for Dragonlance campaigns but could be easily ported to other d20 System campaign worlds. Also included are encounter tables and the rules for racial acceptance.


Dragonlance Dungeon Master Screen


The Dragonlance Campaign Sourcebook introduced unique elements to the Dungeons & Dragons game, such as the effects of the waxing and waning moons of magic upon Krynn's wizards. All of that information is presented here, as well as information on the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition Revised rules published in July 2003.

In addition to the screen boasting a brand-new cover painting by Larry Elmore, the screen comes bundled with a 32-page saddle-stitched booklet containing "plug & play" stock NPCs appropriate for any Dragonlance campaign.


Races of Ansalon


In the beginning of the world, the gods created ogres, elves, and humans to populate the newly-formed world of Krynn. The passage of time -- and the introduction of Chaos to the world in the form of the Graygem of Gargath -- led to creation of many new races, from the graceful elves of the sea to the grubby Aghar. These are the Races of Ansalon.

This sourcebook contains detailed information on the major and minor races that populate the world of the Dragonlance setting. Races of Ansalon provides both source material and game statistics useful for a Dragonlance campaign. New prestige classes and racial substitution levels -- along with new feats, spells, and magical items -- provide new options for the characters. Story hooks, pre-generated characters, and other details will be valuable resource to any Dungeon Master. Also included are variant rules for racial lore, kender pouch grabs, and gnomish inventions.


Dragons of Autumn: War of the Lance Chronicles, Volume I


The original DRAGONLANCE adventure modules from TSR, Inc. introduced some revolutionary concepts in the game industry. Never before had the D&D rules been used to tell an epic fantasy tale using full-realized pre-generated characters. It was also the first time that roleplaying adventures would match a story being told in fantasy novels on mass-market shelves. Since Sovereign Press began publishing DRAGONLANCE game produts for the revised d20 System, the most often-asked question from fans is "When do we get to see the original modules?"

By popular demand, we are presenting all-new versions of the classic adventures. The first in the trilogy, Dragons of Autumn, goes back to the roots of the War of the Lance. The heroes explore the ruined city of Xak Tsaroth in search of the "greatest gift" given to mortals, then infiltrate the fortress of Pax Tharkas, find safety for hundreds of displaced refugees, and finally find the hidden gates to the dwarven kingdom of Thorbardin.

The adventures are being completely revised, drawing on twenty years of DRAGONLANCE history, incorporating material most recently featured in the Silver Anniversary edition of the adventures. They will include new character statistics featuring the popular Heroes of the Lance.


Dragons of Krynn



The undisputed masters of Krynn.

The stuff of legends for over a thousand years.

Whether encountered alone in their lairs beneath the ruins of ancient cities or flying in great numbers over the battlefields of Solamnia, dragons are the icons of fear and hope in the unfolding drama of the DRAGONLANCE world.

This volume offers authorial insights, creative perspectives, cultural legends, and factual accounts of the marvelous wyrms of Krynn from the ten clans of true dragons and their myriad kindred to the indomitable breeds of draconians. New racial classes, new feats, and a collection of dragon-themed magic items are provided. The bakali lizardfolk and their offshoots are presented in full detail, together with rules and background for dragonspawn, dragonkin, and the noble draconians.

Dragons of Krynn also includes articles on dragons by best-selling authors: Ed Greenwood, Mary Herbert, Richard Knaak, Chris Pierson, Jean Rabe, and Paul B. Thompson, with an introduction by R.A. Salvatore.


Holy Orders of the Stars


The gods of Krynn can be seen by mortals by simply gazing up to see their constellations wheeling in the night sky. The presence of the gods, or their absence, is an important story point in the long history of the world of Krynn. Up until now, only the basic details of the gods and their religion have been revealed. Holy Orders of the Stars sourcebook gives more detail on the agendas, powers, temples, shrines, and worshippers of the pantheon of Krynn's deities.

This sourcebook details the religions of Krynn, including extensive write-ups on all of the gods—including lesser beings (such as Bast) that are found in novels but are not strictly deities of Krynn. New prestige classes, spells, magical items, and holy artifacts are described within.


Knightly Orders of Ansalon


Since the Age of Dreams, warriors have raised arms for good and evil across the face of Krynn. Great heroes and terrifying villains fight not for themselves, but for greater ideals.

This sourcebook contains game information for the d20 System, as well as the lore and traditions of knightly orders. New and revised class information are provided for the various knighthoods, as well as new feats and magical items. Details are provided for the first time on the histories of knightly orders, the rules of acceptance and conduct, their quests and trials, and deadly enemies who seek to undo them.

Knightly Orders of Ansalon contains information useful for both players and Dungeon Masters, as well as Dragonlance fans who wish to know even more about the military orders of the world and the characters who belong to them.


Legends of the Twins: Dragonlance Campaign Setting Companion


In the wake of the War of the Lance, the evil archmage Raistlin Majere plots to take his place as a god in the heavens—while his twin brother Caramon begins a quest of his own. Their journeys span the centuries and forever change the face of Krynn.

The DRAGONLANCE Legends trilogy remains one of the most enduringly popular series by New York Times best-selling authors Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, even after nearly twenty continuous years in print. Now the Legends of the Twins sourcebook allows gamers to experience the adventure of the trilogy for the first time, either by playing out the events of the novels or taking the themes of time travel, spiritual journeys, and redemption and using them in all new campaigns.

The sourcebook will offer rules for character traits to further deepen the roleplaying experience, along with the magical rules that govern travel upon the River of Time. It is rich with source material, detailing past eras of Ansalon's history, alternate version of Krynn never before seen, and both stats and descriptions of the saga's most beloved characters.


Towers of High Sorcery


The wizards of Krynn are granted magic through the power of the three moons. To prevent the awesome powers of wizardry from being wielded by the irresponsible, they require young mages to take a Test proving both their skill and level of responsibility—as well as their level of devotion to magic itself. The Orders of High Sorcery rule over arcane magic and those who practice it from within mighty bastions of power, the Towers of High Sorcery.

This sourcebook contains details of the Towers of High Sorcery. The Towers of Wayreth and Nightlund are explained in great detail, while the "lost" Towers of past ages are presented for the first time anywhere! New prestige classes, spells, magical items, and artifacts are presented—many having been seen only in Dragonlance fiction up until this point. The Test of High Sorcery, an important part of the career of any Dragonlance wizard, is explained in detail, with detailed steps on how to design a Test either as a solo-adventure for the wizard character or a dangerous quest for the entire party!


War of the Lance


The War of the Lance is the storyline in which many Dragonlance fans are introduced to the world of Krynn— through the original Chronicles by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. To this day it remains the most popular time-period. Though many novels and products have covered this period in the past, there is still a rich tapestry of information yet to be revealed.

The War of the Lance Campaign Book is designed as a companion volume to the Dragonlance Campaign Setting published by Wizards of the Coast. This volume gives players everything they need to play during the War of the Lance. All of the principal characters of this period are detailed, including the Heroes of the Lance and the terrifying dragon highlords. The major locations and creatures of the saga are revealed as well, with details on how to "play out" the war and how to run a campaign that puts new heroes in the center stage! War of the Lance contains an update on the races of Ansalon, many new prestige classes, feats, equipment, magical items, and spells. The sourcebook details many important potential adventuring locations in great detail, and gives out great information useful for both players and Dungeon Masters.


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