
Google AdSense For Dummies 2008 [RS.com]

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Google AdSense For Dummies 2008


Download: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Przeklej i Inne Author(s): Jerri L. Ledford Publisher: For Dummies Date : 2008 Pages : 346 Format : PDF OCR : Yes Size : 10 Mb Language : English ISBN-10 : 047029289X Download bez limitów

You can get paid for online ad placement with Google AdSense! If you've ever considered using AdSense to improve revenue for your Web site, Google AdSense For Dummies will get you started. It's loaded with tips to help you implement a successful AdSense program.
AdSense lets you generate income with ad placement on blogs and Web sites. Google AdSense For Dummies shows you how AdSense works, how to analyze cost per click and track AdSense results, and how to earn money from your blog or Web site without selling a product. Discover how to:
* Register and set up an AdSense program
* Track results with server logs, AdSense reports, and Google Analytics
* Boost AdSense income with engine optimization techniques
* Apply Google guidelines by including relevant links and content, making your site easy to navigate, using a sitemap, and keeping links in good repair
* Fine-tune your Web site with beefed-up content to please Google and boost effectiveness
* Earn more with AdSense for RSS, streaming , and referral units
* Design appealing ads and search boxes, and deal with ads from competitors
* Add video units to your site, design ad units, and understand referral units
In Google AdSense For Dummies, author Jerri Ledford, a self-described "Google geek," helps you make money with AdSense.
From the Back Cover:
Here's how to earn money from your Web site without selling a thing!
If you want to make your Web site or blog earn its keep, using Google AdSense makes a lot of sense. It also makes sense to find out how AdSense works and how to make it work for you. This friendly guide cuts through the geek-speak and shows you what AdSense is, how to make your site Google-friendly, how to use AdSense for Search or Content, and more.
* Fine-tune your Web site - beef up your content for Google's approval as well as to boost effectiveness
* Apply Google guidelines - include relevant links and content, make your site easy to navigate, use a sitemap, design for the user, and keep links in good repair
* Discover other types of AdSense - use AdSense with video, mobile, and RSS
* Learn to love units - add video units to your site, design mobile ad units, and understand referral units
* Get creative - use AdSense as a page element on your blog and design knockout ads and cool search boxes
* Make them pay - increase your income from AdSense for RSS, referral units, and streaming videos
* Use some sense - track your results using AdSense reports and Google Analytics

Download: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Przeklej i Inne http://rapidshare.com/files/206958272/Google_AdSense_For_Dummies.rar Download bez limitów

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