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JavaScript Essential Training (2007) (kurs JavaScript/ video/ angielski)
"JavaScript Essential Training" zapoznaje użytkownika przez proces używania JavaScript w celu zobaczenia potencjału jaki drzemie w tworzeniu stron internetowych, od zrozumienia podstaw do momentu tworzenia wlasnych przykładów. Instruktor Dori Smith tłumaczy jak pracować z objektami, jak tworzyć przyciski i formularze, menu pokazy slajdów i wiele innych praktycznych aplikacji. Pliki ćwiczeń pozwol± łatwiej zagłebić się w ten temat.
Język: Angielski
Format: MOV
Czas trwania: 7 godzin
Rozmiar: 560mb + 5% danych naprawczych
Spis zagadnień
1. Introduction
Using the exercise file
What is JavaScript?
What is Ajax?
2. Developer Essentials
The development workflow
Selecting the right tools for the job
Just enough HTML and CSS
Understanding objects
Understanding variables
Making comparisons
Understanding events
3. Starting to Code
Writing your first script
Internal vs. external scripts
Using comments in scripts
Using the noscript tag in HTML
4. Interacting with Users
Creating alert dialogs
Understanding conditional statements
Getting confirmations from users
Creating prompts for users
Understanding functions
Making links smarter
Using switch/case statements
Handling errors
5. JavaScript Language Essentials
Getting started
Creating loops
Passing values to functions
Detecting objects
Reading arrays
Returning values from functions
Writing arrays
Building do and while loops
Re-using functions
6. Creating Rollovers and More
Creating a basic image rollover
How to write a better rollover
Creating a three-state rollover
Making rollovers accessible and 508 compliant
Making disjointed rollovers
Creating slideshows
Displaying random images
7. Building Smarter Forms
Getting started
Creating jump menus
Creating dynamic menus
Requiring fields
Cross-checking fields
Displaying more informative errors
Verifying radio button selections
Setting one field with another field
Verifying email addresses
8. Handling Events
Responding to window events
Responding to mouse movements
Responding to mouse clicks
Responding to onBlur form events
Responding to onFocus form events
Responding to keyboard events
9. Working with Cookies
Demystifying cookies
Writing a cookie
Reading a cookie
Displaying a cookie
Counting with cookies
Deleting cookies
Handling multiple cookies
Cookies in action
10. The DOM, Nodes, and Objects
Understanding the DOM
Adding nodes to the DOM
Deleting nodes from the DOM
Deleting specific nodes
Inserting nodes into the DOM
Replacing nodes in the DOM
11. Working with Dates and Times
Displaying dates
Displaying times
Creating a countdown
12. Real World Applications of JavaScript
Creating sliding menus
Creating pop-up menus
Creating slideshows with captions
Creating a stylesheet switcher
Additional resources
Party - 200mb
Download: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Przeklej i Inne http://rapidshare.com/files/286491945/JSET.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/286509263/JSET.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/286530539/JSET.part3.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/286530700/JSET.part4.rar Download bez limitów