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XML Essential Training (kurs XML/ video/ angielski)
XML albo inaczej Extensible Markup Language został zaprojektowany, aby dzielić się informacjami oraz w łatwy sposób interpretować dane, ale działa jedynie, kiedy wiesz jak się nim posługiwać. W kursie "XML Essential Training" inżynier i instruktor Joe Marini przeprowadzi cię przez podstawowe prawa rządzące XML, przedyskutuje sugerowane narzędzia itp. Przez integracje XML z twoją stroną w celu stworzenia arkuszy stylów "XML Essential Training" nauczy cię wszystkiego nie tylko jak zacząć, ale także jak pracować z XML.
Język: Angielski
Format: MOV
Czas trwania: około 6 godzin
Rozmiar: 500mb + 5% danych naprawczych
Spis zagadnień
1. Getting Started
What is XML?
XML-related technologies
Overview of tools for working with XML
2. How XML Is Used
Describing information with XML
Advantages and drawbacks of XML
Real-life XML examples
3. Basic Rules of XML
XML file contents
Proper XML syntax
Valid documents
Namespaces in XML
Whitespace handling
4. Starting to Work with XML
Your first XML file
Associating an XML file with a CSS stylesheet
Styling XML tags with CSS
Working with XML and CSS2
5. XML and Internet Explorer Data Binding
Introduction: what are data islands?
Defining a data island and binding to layout
Styling data islands with CSS
Advanced data islands
Exercise: data paging
Exercise: single-record binding
6. Using the DOM to Manipulate XML
Introduction to the DOM
Discovering what's new in the DOM
Extracting information and manipulating data
Creating new document content
Bringing it all together: the DOM, XML pages, and HTML pages
7. XML and XPath
What is XPath?
Taking XPath for a spin
8. Overview of XSLT (Exstensible Stylesheet Language Transformations)
What is XSLT?
Styling XML with XSLT
9. Real World XSLT Examples
Simple XSLT styling
Using XSLT with CSS
Repeating items
Conditional logic
Sorting and rearranging XML data
10. Creating Document Type Definitions
What is a DTD?
DTD syntax
Declaring elements
Declaring attributes
Exercise: defining the DTD for our Business Card XML file
Associating an external DTD with an XML document
11. Creating XML Schema Definitions
What is XML Schema, and how is it different from other DTDs?
Anatomy of a schema
Declaring elements
Declaring attributes
Defining a Schema for our Business card
12. Additional XML Processing
Introduction to SAX (Simple API for XML)
How SAX works
Working with XML and PHP
Exercise: building a list of favorite links with SAX and PHP
Working with XML in .NET B
Exercise: building a list of favorite links with XML and .NET
13. Tools
Tools used in this title
Party - 200mb
Download: Rapidshare, Hotfile, Megaupload, Przeklej i Inne http://rapidshare.com/files/286877881/XMET.part1.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/286893696/XMET.part2.rar http://rapidshare.com/files/286904439/XMET.part3.rar Download bez limitów